Nose wheel assembly – DONE!
Finally the nose wheel weldment with zenith donut pick system is set in – cool beans and now I can actually make some progress on the build in near future …
Finally the nose wheel weldment with zenith donut pick system is set in – cool beans and now I can actually make some progress on the build in near future …
It’s time to work on engine related items… It’s been a long winded browsing on internet and user manuals for last couple of days to identify and place some needed itemsOrdered so far this week are:– Torque wrench (CDI) make – Motor mounting AN bolts along with washers and nuts from […]
I believe a milestone was achieved today in my Zenith build. I was able to complete the following so far – Main landing gear attached to airframe– Nose wheel landing gear weldment attached to fire wall– 3 Matco 6” dia wheels (2 half rims) were finally assembled (had a hallelujah moment […]
Here’s the latest progress so far on my Zenith cruzer…– Firewall setup in position – DONE– Upper motor mounts – DONE– Yoke and Flaperons control rods – Installed (temporary) Next steps would be – Install Main landing Gear– Install Nose wheel – Install Corvair Motor mount – and more … and more ….
With flaperons DONE – we move into firewall and firewall forward setup …
Work from home gives a rare opportunity to work in hangar more often…Here is what was done for my zenith cruzer project in last two weeks of social distancing… ✅ Setup my new airpark home for working on my zenith cruzer ✅ Was able to upgrade the skin for horizontal stabilizer per zenith […]
After unforeseen delays, finally I was able to complete the basic build for the left wing too along with Pitot tube setup. Still need to install are the fuel tanks in both the weeks. But for now they are marked as Semi-Done Next artifact to build is the upgrade to […]
Working on Wings for Zenith aircraft is therapeutic. I am not kidding. There is something magical and happy about cleaning all the parts, assembling them together, opening up the holes to final sizes and finally get to rivet them. The right wing of my Cruzer is almost at a point […]
Wings are integral part of a plane that actually define it. We heard in the past that Wings can fly and in fact I actually have flying wings albeit RC models. This phase is quite exciting to actually see the shape of the wing being formed from smaller metal pieces […]
After almost 2 months of waiting time, Zenith team delivered the BIG BOX with wings kit and the finishing kit. This include – Wings, Landing gear, Fuel tanks, Fuel systems, Controls kit, Doors, Windows and Front Visor. Feels great when your little ones are more excited than you to open […]