Engine test run – Successful
After due contemplation, with help of my neighbors from the Airpark, we took to running the engine – Engine started in 3 cranks and ran very well on both points and ep ignition options.
After due contemplation, with help of my neighbors from the Airpark, we took to running the engine – Engine started in 3 cranks and ran very well on both points and ep ignition options.
Finally after 3 plus weeks of working off and on – the Nose bowl was setup and Cowling metal parts were installed with SkyBolt VLOC fasteners. Also the rubber baffling was setup too with aluminum rivets. A short video is here …
Pictures are worth 1000 times more than mere words… Officially I am done with Nosebowl and Cowling kit assembly … DONE DONE and DONE
Made some satisfying progress with nose owl setup and top cowling templates Hopeful to finish this setup by this weekend. Many thanks to William Wynne and Jim Weasemen for providing the Nosebowl and Cowling metal Kit.
Friends Just finished small ancillary items on center console and now onto working on Cowling and Nose Bowl – Wish me luck I need it … LOL Procured this center console from Ebay and installed it — Looks cool so far.
Keeping my wits at bay and with heart wrapped in my hand – connected the electrical to my Instrument panel — and woo hoo – It works — No smoke and ICOM Radio, GRT Sport EFIS, EIS , TT22 and GPS – all responded as they are supposed to .. […]
After about 2 hrs of dilly dallying – the new tach sensor installation is done as advised and am very happy now. One monkey off the back and now onto the next – thank you for advise from William Wynne of Flycorvair.net The Tach sensor is from William and it is set […]
So continuing my update on wing tips for my zenith cruzer … I rigged the wiring and installed the wingtip led lights… So far so good and it looks alright….